Thursday, October 11, 2007

5 “Hot” Christmas Toys For Action-Loving Little Boys

By: S. Dean: Manufacturers, toy sellers and critics are starting to come out with their hot toy lists for the 2007 Christmas season. There are several items on many of the lists that are appropriate for little boys who love action. Categories on the lists run the gamut from action figures (Spiderman and Transformers), to online gaming and collecting (Swypeout Online Battle Racing), onto transportation (Air Hogs Havoc Heli) and ending at target practice (Hasbro Nerf N Strike, Here's are descriptions of 5 "hot toys" for action loving boys:

1. Spider-Man 3 Movie Action Figures: Riding on the tale of the very popular Spider-man III movie, Hasbro is out with a fresh selection of Spider-Man action figures including several new versions of Spider-Man himself, as well as new versions of Peter Parker, the Green Goblin and the Sandman. These toys are all under $10.

2. Hasbro Nerf N-Strike Disk Shot: This nerf toy takes target practice to the next level with 12 foam, fast-moving disks that ensure endless moving target practice. A cartridge attached to the top of the blaster lets your child chose when to launch the disks at several exciting angles (straight up, 45 degrees, or left and right). About $50.

3. Air Hogs Havoc Heli: This is an extremely high tech and compact radio controlled helicopter that can fly in any direction with complete accuracy. Like a real helicopter, the Havoc can hover in one spot and can fly up to 100 feet high in the air. Since up to three Air Hogs helicopters can fly in the same room at the same time, the toy is perfect for having like-minded friends over. The Havoc fits in the palm of a hand and is extremely lightweight. Available in three colors (yellow, red and blue), no assembly is required. About $80.

4. Swypeout Online Battle Racing: Swypeout is an innovative, interactive racing game that combines two boy obsessions - online gaming and collectible trading cards. Kids logon to and compete to be the top battle racer. To enhance their playing, boys collect digital cards to swipe through the game’s USB scanner. Boys can collect new cars, gear and weapons for their online gaming experience. About $30.

5. Transformers Movie Ultimate Bumblebee: Other than Spiderman, Transformers was probably the year’s most popular movie for boys. The Transformers Movie Ultimate Bumblebee is a huge, bright yellow 2008 Camaro that transforms into a robot. This is a very large, (14 inches) sturdy toy which is why it commands its approximately $30 price tag.


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